Arm Lift

Are you annoyed by too large flaps of skin hanging down your arms? If you want a sleeker arm contour, an arm lift might be right for you!

Are you looking forward to a Brachioplasty?

Then keep scrolling to read our complete guide to Brachioplasty!

Brachioplasty, also known as an arm lift, is a cosmetic surgery procedure.

It is considered a solution to get rid of the extra fat and skin hanging loosely on your upper arms, also known as bat wings.

This procedure is just another way to surgically smooth and reshape the contours of your upper arms.

If you think this is something that could help you, then we recommend reading this complete guide to Brachioplasty that we have put together for you.

We’ve covered everything about the procedure, from what Brachioplasty is and how it’s performed to the pros, cons, and side effects.

You’ll also get answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about the procedure, along with Brachioplasty before and after pictures.

So, let’s get started!

What is Brachioplasty?

Do you know that annoying condition where excess flaps of skin, usually called bat wings, hang down from your upper arms?

Well, Brachioplasty is a cosmetic surgical procedure that counteracts just that.

Commonly known as an arm lift, Brachioplasty is a type of procedure that aims to contour, smooth, and reshape your upper arms by removing the loose and excess hanging skin.

This procedure removes the excess skin and fat from the armpits to the top of the elbow, tightens the remaining skin, and smooths the tissue to give the entire upper arm area a more defined and toned appearance.

Brachioplasty is often performed on patients who have lost a significant amount of weight and is sometimes performed at the same time as weight loss surgery.

But why? And how is Brachioplasty performed? Is it really worth it? Who is an ideal candidate for this procedure, and who is not?

We will answer all these questions one by one, starting with the process of Brachioplasty.

After pregnancy

Pregnancy changes your life in many positive ways. One not-so-positive side effect of pregnancy is the changes it makes to your body.

New mothers are often surprised at how pregnancy changes their appearance. Some of these changes are permanent.

Pregnant women are at high risk for cosmetic problems on their abdomen. For example, the abdominal skin, which stretches to accommodate the growing fetus, loses elasticity.

The skin often becomes loose and sags. If you’ve had a C-section with a C-section scar, it’s common to have a small flap of skin that overhangs onto the lower abdomen.

Abdominoplasty can also repair muscle separation (diastasis recti), a common side effect of pregnancy that weakens the rectus muscles.

This is called an abdominoplasty with muscle repair, which tightens the abdominal muscle.

Finally, weight gain is common during and after pregnancy. While a tummy tuck is not a substitute for diet, exercise, or weight loss surgery, extra fat tissue may be removed during surgery.

If you are planning to have more children, it is best to wait until you have finished having children before having surgery.

After weight loss

Losing weight can be a challenge. It’s something we all struggle with from time to time.

Of course, there’s no greater sense of accomplishment than finally reaching a number on the scale that you’re happy with – especially if you’ve lost a significant amount of weight.

Unfortunately, many patients who have lost a significant amount of weight are left with loose, sagging skin. It serves as a constant reminder of the old body.

This problem is common in patients who have lost a lot of weight, including those who have undergone bariatric surgery.

For weight loss patients who want to fit into clothes better, reduce uncomfortable rashes between skin folds, and permanently remove extra skin, a tummy tuck can help.


Are you a good candidate for tummy tuck surgery?

Your weight should be stable before you undergo surgery.

If you gain a lot of weight and then lose it after surgery, it will result in more sagging skin.

The best candidates for tummy tuck surgery are people who have been at their desired weight for at least six months, are non-smokers, have good health, and people who have realistic expectations about the results of the surgery.

If any of the following statements apply to you, a tummy tuck can help you achieve the look you desire:


  • You have suffered trauma, a tumor, or a structural defect in your abdomen that has affected its shape and appearance.
  • You exercise and eat right, but your abdomen remains flabby.
  • After a major weight loss, you have sagging, drooping skin around your midsection.
  • After pregnancy, your abdominal muscles are now stretched, and you have extra sagging skin.

What an abdominoplasty cannot do

A tummy tuck removes excess skin and some fat, but it is not a substitute for bariatric surgery or diet and exercise.

While a tummy tuck is essentially permanent, you will need to maintain your weight after surgery.

Unlike bariatric surgery, abdominoplasty does not prevent you from gaining weight. For most patients, this means sticking to a healthy diet and exercising.

Weight gain can bring you back down to where you started. You do not want to undo all the beautiful work you have done.

If you are a woman who is considering future pregnancies, it is highly advisable to wait until you are done having children before having surgery.

There are a few things to consider when you decide to have a tummy tuck. These steps will help you be clear about everything. They will help you make a confident decision.

Costs for consultation and tummy tuck

This is the time when you get to know the surgeon. Some people find a plastic surgeon after the first consultation.

Others go to many consultations to find the perfect fit. Both are normal. It’s up to you who you feel comfortable with.

It’s a good idea to come to the consultation with questions prepared. A one-on-one consultation with a plastic surgeon or cosmetic surgeon can be invaluable.

Keep in mind that many plastic surgeons or cosmetic surgeons charge a consultation fee.

Often, this fee is offset against the procedure if you decide to have surgery. However, this can vary from doctor to doctor. It is important to ask about this.

The cost of a tummy tuck in Thailand can vary greatly depending on the plastic surgeon or cosmetic surgeon.

In addition to the surgeon’s fee, there may be other costs associated with the procedure, such as medical tests, hospital or surgical facility costs, anesthesia costs, compression garments, etc.

When it comes to understanding the total cost of a cosmetic procedure, patients don’t like surprises.

Dr. [insert surgeon’s name here] makes sure that his pricing is very transparent.

Patients can find more information about his costs here.



Choosing a cosmetic surgeon

From medical training to the photos on this website, there are many factors to consider when choosing a tummy tuck surgeon.

References are important. You want to make sure that the surgeon you are considering has completed the appropriate medical training.

An [insert qualification here] surgeon is a specialized surgeon who is technically the only type of doctor guaranteed to have training in surgical procedures.

[Qualification here] stands for [Fellow of the Royal Thailand College of Surgeons]. (Search for the qualifying organization in Thailand).

Before and after tummy tuck photos

Another important factor is the before and after photos. Take the time to look at our website.

First, a good surgeon will have many before and after photos on his website. This shows that he has performed many tummy tucks and gives you the opportunity to see the quality of the results.

Keep in mind that every patient and every surgery is different. Results will always vary as no two patients are the same.

Great before and after photos are no guarantee of the results of your surgery. However, numerous before and after tummy tuck photos are a good sign.

How Brachioplasty is performed: The complete process

Here we’ve covered everything about Brachioplasty, starting with preparation, how the surgery is performed, and what to expect after Brachioplasty.


The steps to prepare a patient for Brachioplasty can begin weeks, sometimes months, before the actual scheduled date of surgery.

As part of this preparation, your surgeon may perform the following steps:


  • Ask you to stop smoking, as smoking can increase the likelihood of risks and other complications. One of the most common Brachioplasty risks associated with smoking is slow wound healing. It can lead to an increased risk of scarring and infection.
  • Inquire about your medical history, whether you have recently taken or are currently taking any medications, including herbal supplements and OTC medications such as aspirin, or if you have already undergone another surgery.
  • Perform a preoperative evaluation to determine the most appropriate surgical approach for you. This examination may include some basic blood tests, chest x-rays, an electrocardiogram, pulmonary function test, etc.
  • This is also the time when you will be asked about your expectations for this surgery. Your surgeon will make sure you understand what Brachioplasty would mean for you – both the benefits and the risks.
  • Take photos of your arms to keep as part of your medical record.
  • He will adjust the dose of medications you are currently taking and write you a prescription for some pre-surgical medications if needed.
  • Create a surgical plan for your case based on your physical assessment and requirements.


Brachioplasty is a simple procedure that takes two to three hours.

Below are the steps that are generally performed during a Brachioplasty:


  • The surgeon begins by marking the arms as a guide so that incisions can be made later during the procedure. These incisions will depend on the specific surgical plan curated for your case.
  • You will receive either local or general anesthesia, depending on the surgical method.
  • There are several ways in which a Brachioplasty is performed. Most commonly, an incision is made on either the inside or back of the upper arm, which can extend from the armpit to the top of the elbow. Sometimes these incisions also extend to the sides of your chest. Therefore, depending on the case, the surgeon will make the incision using the previously made marks as a guide.
  • Then he will remove the excess tissue and skin along with some fat.
  • Once all the excess tissue and skin have been removed, the surgeon will reattach the remaining tissue, pull back the skin over it, and stitch everything back together. If there is still an extra amount of fat that could make Brachioplasty difficult, the surgeon may also perform liposuction first.

After the operation


After your Brachioplasty, expect the following:

  • You will most likely wake up with a tube attached under your skin. This is used to drain the accumulated fluid.
  • Expect pain after surgery.
  • You will need to wear a compression garment to keep postoperative swelling at bay.
  • Depending on the surgical method, you may be able to leave the hospital the same day, or you may be kept for observation.
  • You will not be allowed to drive after surgery and will need to be met by someone to take you to your hotel.
  • Your surgeon will give you instructions on how to care for your stitches, which you must follow diligently. Your surgeon will also tell you about the warning signs to look out for and details about your follow-up visits.
  • If you are a smoker, you should avoid smoking until you are fully healed. Otherwise, you run the risk of infection and a horrible Brachioplasty scar.
  • You will be advised to avoid strenuous activity for a few weeks. This means not lifting your arms above your head, not driving, and not doing any exercises that put stress on your arms.

The results of Brachioplasty are visible immediately after the procedure.

But sometimes, surgery is not enough to achieve the desired results. In such a case, another surgery is needed to further contour and reshape the area.

You will be given postoperative medications to take as directed by your surgeon.

How long does it take to recover?

Recovery time after Brachioplasty varies from person to person.

It usually takes one to two weeks before you can return to work and resume some activities. It takes about another six weeks to return to normal as it was before the procedure.

For a quick and smooth recovery, you must always follow your surgeon’s instructions and contact him immediately if there are any problems.

Below are some serious complications of Brachioplasty:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Fever
  • Chest pain
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Severe fluid leakage from the incisions

Contact your surgeon immediately for medical attention if any of these complications occur during recovery.

Who can undergo Brachioplasty?

An important question is who is and who is not a good candidate for Brachioplasty.

Most often, people who have lost a considerable amount of weight have the problem of extra skin folds.

This situation is not only annoying, but in certain cases, it can also lead to infections, apart from being a self-esteem problem.

The loose hanging skin is a result of the skin’s ability to stretch back to its original position after significant weight loss.

Therefore, people who have not only lost a significant amount of weight but have also maintained a stable weight for at least six months before considering Brachioplasty are good candidates.

Apart from weight issues, genetics and age also play a major role in the loss of skin elasticity. In such a situation, Brachioplasty can also provide relief.

However, a person would not be a candidate for Brachioplasty if they: 


  • smoke
  • have frequent weight changes
  • have diseases that cause problems with wound healing
  • suffer from connective tissue diseases
  • have taken oral steroids for a long period of time

Brachioplasty costs

The cost of Brachioplasty depends on several factors, such as the patient’s health, the type and extent of the procedure, the surgeon’s skill, and more.

However, the average cost of Brachioplasty is estimated to be around ( ___ THB).

Sometimes, a patient may need more than one surgery, or complications may arise.

Therefore, these additional fees must also be considered within the Brachioplasty price.

Is Brachioplasty worth it – its advantages, disadvantages, and side effects.

Looking at before and after Brachioplasty photos can be fascinating. But is this procedure really worth it?

Let’s find out by looking at the pros, cons, and some of the most common risks of Brachioplasty.


Below are some of the benefits of Brachioplasty:

  • Rids sagging skin folds
  • Smoothes and tightens the upper arms
  • It helps patients who have undergone significant weight loss
  • Provides quick and noticeable results
  • Prevents inflammation and rashes caused by sagging skin
  • Helps regain self-esteem


The following are the disadvantages of Brachioplasty:

  • Visible Brachioplasty Scar
  • In many cases, postoperative care can be very costly
  • Involves various risks
  • Can be expensive


Brachioplasty is generally considered a safe procedure, but like any other surgery, it can bring risks and complications.

These risks depend on the age of the patient, the amount of weight loss, health problems, and the approach to the surgery, among other factors.

Below are some of the most common risks of Brachioplasty:

  • Bleeding
  • Scarring
  • Damage to nerves, muscles, blood vessels, or lymphatic tissue
  • Death of the tissue
  • Infections
  • Pain
  • Problems with wound healing
  • Complications with anesthesia
  • Blood clots
  • Asymmetry in the shape of the arms

Brachioplasty tips

Below are some important tips to keep in mind if you are thinking of undergoing the procedure:

  • Choose your surgeon carefully. Make sure that he is a certified cosmetic surgeon.
  • Find out the reasons why you chose this procedure, the benefits and risks if there are any alternatives, complications after the surgery, and much more.
  • You need to keep your expectations in mind. Make sure they are realistic by engaging in a conversation with your doctor.
  • First and foremost, discuss whether or not you are the right candidate for Brachioplasty.
  • Ask if the surgery is worth it. Sometimes the risks outweigh the benefits.
  • Since it is a cosmetic procedure, it is usually not covered by insurance unless there are complications that arise from excessive skin folds.
  • Make sure you have an accurate idea of the costs you would be facing. Think about the hidden costs that may arise due to postoperative complications or the need for another surgery.
  • Follow your surgeon’s instructions carefully both before and after surgery.
  • If you are a habitual smoker, stop smoking a few weeks before surgery, as smoking increases the risk of complications.
  • Discuss your medical history with the surgeon, including any current health problems, medications you are taking, etc.
  • Reach a stable weight and maintain it before you think about going under the knife, as a large fluctuation in weight after surgery can severely damage the already weakened skin

Frequently Asked Quesions

How much does an arm lift cost?

The average cost of an arm lift in Thailand is about THB ____.

How painful is Brachioplasty?

You can expect mild pain and discomfort after a Brachioplasty. Contact your doctor immediately if the pain becomes severe.

How long does it take to recover from Brachioplasty?

There is no set timetable for recovery after a Brachioplasty. However, you can expect a recovery time of four to eight weeks.

Do you lose weight after Brachioplasty?

No, you will not lose weight after a Brachioplasty. However, if you lose significant weight after the procedure, it can lead to stretch marks, scarring, and further sagging skin folds.

How do you sleep after an arm lift?

You cannot sleep on your stomach or side after an arm lift. You will need to sleep on your back. You can use pillows to support your arms for more comfort.

What do you wear after an arm lift?

Wear loose, comfortable clothing that does not require you to raise your arms above your head for at least the first two weeks after surgery.

You will also need to wear a compression garment to aid in the recovery process.

What can you do after an arm lift?

You must avoid all activities that put pressure or strain on your arms after an arm lift, including any activities that require you to raise your arms above your shoulders.

This must be avoided for at least four weeks after surgery or as directed by your surgeon.

Does Brachioplasty leave a scar?

There is a risk of a Brachioplasty scar, but it depends on several factors, such as the surgical approach chosen, the amount of skin removed, and whether there were any complications during surgery.

There are alternative methods as well as approaches that minimize the risk of a Brachioplasty scar.

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